Your Cup Overflows


God desires to do a brand new thing in our lives, and because this world is corrupting moment by moment, we sometimes lose sight of this. Things within our everyday existence can become very stale. If our diet isn’t packed with the nutritious substance of God’s goodness and Word, we will find ourselves feeling as though something is missing. We underestimate the depth of this feeling, but the truth of it is that all of us are doing the things that we do every day because we’re seeking to fill the void. We want to experience true bliss. We can’t articulate all the facets of what it will take to make us feel completely secure, happy, and fulfilled; but we know that it is possible and worth our every effort to experience it.

The reason that we know true joy is possible is because the Spirit of Christ that is within us has testified of it. It’s something that we know resolutely because he has communicated it to our souls. Some of us go our whole lives with the belief that we don’t hear from God, when in truth we hear from Him all the time. The problem is that we place limitations on how we will hear Him. As citizens of this earth, quite naturally we become accustomed to hearing outside voices and noises day in and day out. But make no mistake about it, there is very definitely a higher form of communication that God uses with us, and learning to hear the Spirit takes practice.

1John 1:6 (NKJV) tells us, “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.” Sometimes we try to swallow giant pieces of wisdom without digesting them properly or as slowly as needed. God is instructing us that fellowship with Him requires us to practice the truth. The definition of practice is to do something over and over again in order that we become better at it. Listening to God’s voice is a practice. We think it’s going to be a loud thundering voice, when it is often a faint whisper. He is honored by our obedience to the whisper, because it means that we have sought Him to such a degree that we hear and know His voice; it’s familiar to us and registers even in the midst of all the noisiness of the world.

The psalmist, David, said in Psalm 23:5 (NIV), “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” God is our sufficiency. His goodness and mercy know no bounds; they are limitless. As we empty ourselves of love and kindness, He fills us with more. As we grasp fresh revelation and wisdom, He takes our minds and thoughts to higher places within the realm of His goodness. It’s in this higher place of spiritual consciousness that we will find that His treasures never end.

David said that God prepared a table before him, and it was a spread laid out like no other. It was a table that made his enemies aware of the fact that David was a King’s Kid; that he was handpicked for spiritual royalty, protected by divinity, and saturated with God’s favor. He lacked nothing because everything that he needed, God supplied it. Understand the confidence and faith that backs this awesome praise from David. It should be our perpetual attitude towards the throne.

“God is my Everything!” is at the heart of a faithful person’s truth. We all say this, but we also must understand that our whole lives are needed to prove it. If this were not the case, we’d be all that God intended us to be in Christ without the spiritual journey that we’re required to make, and life on earth would not be a necessary thing. God could have packed His Word into our brains at birth, but He did not see fit to create us this way. He hungers for relationship with us. Relationships are forged and maintained through truth and intimacy. This is why Heavenly Father beckons us through Jesus Christ to come closer and closer, so that we can hear His whisper.

The thing that we are searching for is God. We are created with a need for Him that is so intense and so deeply embedded in our cores that only the Spirit can lead us to fulfill it. Humanity’s propensity is to try and fill it with other things, but this never works. It sends us spiraling down a really dark road.

The level on which God communicates with us is right where we are. The psalmist told us in Psalm 42:7 that deep calls to deep. The Father’s desire for relationship with us is true and precious; and He gave us His incorruptible, magnificent essence to experience Him on that deep level that He desires. He deposited a part of Himself within the inner sanctum of our beings so that closeness with us is never an issue. The problem is that we keep waiting for some earth-shattering thing to appear. The truth is that the effects of God’s overwhelming love are earth-shattering. The results of His wonder working power is earth-shattering, but His way of communing with us is peaceful and often quiet; His Spirit more gentle than we can imagine.

So often we wait on God to fill our cups with something that defies our definitions of earth-shattering. He has already done this, and is waiting for our faith to catch up with the reality of it. His Word has assured us that our cups are already overflowing. We simply have not had the faith to believe it. 2Corinthians 5:7(NIV) tells us, “For we live by faith, not by sight.” You and I may not tangibly see a huge table spread out with all the spiritual blessings we would ever need upon it. Our physical eyes may not capture this vision, but David understood that this table exists in heaven. He understood that experience is when truth is met by our faith. In other words, our experience is evidenced where our faith meets the truth of what God has told us in His Word.

Ephesians 1:20 declares that we have been seated in heavenly places with Christ. You and I may not see an actual chair manifesting in the natural realm, but we know if God tells us we have a seat in the Kingdom, we’re there, sitting at the table with all the other heavenly beings. Our bodies are on this earth, but our spirits are not confined to the limitations of this earth experience.

Our cups truly are running over, and we have to begin to really open our eyes to the reality of what we’ve been given. Your physical sight is for the experience of earth, but your spiritual senses will open up so much more for you—more than you can imagine. Challenge yourself to see and hear in the Spirit; pray, and allow him to lead and lift you higher, so that you will abide in the overflowing richness of what Heavenly Father has given you.■

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

“Your Cup Overflows” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2017. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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