When Impressing God Is Your Number One Goal

Walking away from a relationship can be one of the most emotionally challenging things for a person to go through. Any sister in Christ that has waited a long time to meet someone she believes is compatible knows firsthand how emotional the wait can be. It can give your faith a workout. There are times when you feel upbeat and optimistic, then, there are other times when it feels like you’re just not going to meet the right person. It can be a roller-coaster, one that you can’t wait to get off. So, when you do finally meet someone, and you think things might work out, it can be devastating when it doesn’t. The last thing you want to do is think about drudging through that desert place again.

It is crucial that we remind ourselves constantly that God is faithful. He never slumbers or sleeps, and no detail about our lives escapes Him. We must never forget that God knows the person that is going to be a great blessing to our lives, and this is the person for which we, too, will be the greatest blessing. But God also knows our hearts. He knows our motives and intentions, and He knows whether or not we are spiritually prepared to be the kind of blessing He wants us to be.

Yes, it is devastating when we recognize we have to let someone go, and it can be even more hurtful when they decide to let us go. In either case, you have to see heartbreak as a conduit to a more compassionate, thoughtful, and spiritually mature you. We can never escape the reality of our call to pray and touch the lives of others through intercession. We have to ask God if we have fulfilled this call to His satisfaction.

A Godly sorrow is something that no believer can fake. It is when sorrow goes so deep within you that your soul is moved beyond your understanding. It is the place where we feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and it is also the place where we learn to pull strength, abiding love, and caring support for God’s people. It’s this deep place that extends to us the capacity to pray earnestly for the pain that others are going through. Some of us have not learned to do this. We can do it for ourselves, but we haven’t yet cultivated that space where we are touching God’s heart with prayer for someone other than ourselves, someone we may not even know.

We have to think about things like this, so that we learn the lesson of our heartbreak. And make no mistake, there is very definitely a lesson and we should do all we can to learn it. Why is learning this lesson so monumentally important to your preparation towards meeting and marrying the right person for you? Well, it’s so important because Heavenly Father wants you to know a little something about the depth of the heart. None of us can fully know what is in another person’s heart or what their motives are for doing what they do, but you can have some idea about it. When you have some idea about the heart, and how earnest prayer can transform it, you can be trusted with information that only the Spirit can provide.

We must be clear, if we do not begin to love and pray out of that deep well where our hearts were once broken; if we do not let the love of God minister to that broken place; if we do not then begin to minister out of that deep place ourselves, we won’t recognize a man that is living from that deep place as well. He will walk right on by us, and we will walk by him, and no connection can be made. This is the man we have prayed to partner with, and this is the kind of faithful man the Lord wants to present to us. This man has the capacity to love his wife as Jesus Christ loves the church and gave his life for her. God will not go beneath His standard. He calls upon us to rise up to it, so we can meet Him in the place of His blessing.

God is impressed by what we do to grow spiritually. He’s impressed by how we deal with the heartbreak and the strength and wisdom we glean from it. We cannot overlook the things that mean so much to God. He knows how to bless us. He said in Isaiah 45:3(NLT), “And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness—secret riches.
I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.” Our Heavenly Father knows where the treasures are. Treasures are His business, but we cannot get them by trying to impress other people. When we impress God with a heart that is sold-out for Him, when we make this our number one goal, He will release the treasure. ■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“When Impressing God Is Your Number One Goal” written by Kim Times, edited by Reverend Fran Mack, for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2020.   All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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