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The notion of a ‘Critical Question’ is something we talk quite a bit about in our teachings. The word ‘critical’ in this context is not referring to an unfavorable or harsh judgment. It is related to something that is desperately urgent. A critical question is one for which the answer is so monumentally significant to your journey forward and upward, that not having the answer will greatly impede your destiny. The answer to a critical question can lead to a turning point in your life. It is a truth that you must unpack so that you will occupy your seat in the heavenlies and have greater access to the incredible riches of God’s grace. You must ask yourself this critical question so the answer can unlock more of the greatness that is in you through the Lord Jesus Christ.
So many of us are looking for a quick way to the breakthrough so we can hurry up and increase our finances, get married, lose weight, or fix whatever issue we may be experiencing. The truth is that there isn’t a quick fix. We’re here on this earth to fellowship with God and develop intimacy with Him. This is the only way to become more of the person we are destined to become. He has created us in such a way that the closer we are to Him, the more of His treasures we’ll possess.
Our Heavenly Father craves intimacy with us; it’s the reason He has made us sons and daughters through Christ. Romans 8:29 tells us that He’s always known of our existences, and He alone predestined each of us to be conformed in the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. Our Redeemer, Savior, Lord, and Big Brother is the firstborn of all of us; we are his brothers and sisters. So, the relationship that God is after with us is more wonderful than we can imagine. In Deuteronomy 13:4(NLT), Moses told God’s people, “Serve only the LORD your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him.” This verse beautifully communicates the level of commitment and intimacy God desires. It’s closer than close. It is more harmonious and unifying than marriage between a husband and wife.
Most definitions of the word ‘intimacy’ state other words like ‘closeness, togetherness, familiarity, and confidentiality.’ So, when we think about our relationship with Heavenly Father, we must comprehend that there is knowledge, information, blessings, visions, and abilities that are special to Him, and He will only convey them upon His people; those He has marked out—those who cling to Him.
There is a wooing that we experience as His children. He draws us. Jesus Christ tells us in John 6:44(NLT), “For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up.” You and I are saved through the Father’s grace. He wooed us and drew us to Himself through the Holy Spirit! That’s something to shout about! And guess what? He continues to woo and draw us, because He wants us to grow in His love so we can be closer to Him. He wants the beauty of what He’s placed in our spirits to continually unfold, and this will happen very powerfully the more we release our will and yield to His Will.
The thing that you and I must remember is that God is love, and love doesn’t force, push, or shove. So often people erroneously attribute the shenanigans of the devil as a move of God, because they have trained themselves to think that God will control our minds, thoughts, behaviors, and attitudes. He will not. He created us in His very own image, then gave us free-will and told us to reign within this earthly realm. He is brilliant in every way, and He is never redundant. He would not have given us free-will and then take it back whenever it suited His purpose. That would violate His Word, and we all know He would never do this. God will not force us to grow. He will not force us to change our ways, and He will not force us to surrender our will and yield to His Will. It is always our choice. So, what you and I must understand is that we surrender a little bit at a time, and the pace of our surrendering sets the pace of our blessings.
James 4:2-3 says that we don’t have what we desire because we don’t ask God for it, and sometimes when we do ask, we ask with the wrong motives. In other words, we ask without an understanding that something has to change within us—that we’re going to have to give up something for something greater, and this may be a little uncomfortable. God has created life in such a way that it will not wait for us to spiritually grow. If we do not surrender our will for His Will and Plan for our lives, the rewards and benefits that come with following His Will continue to move forward and upward without us. Life never waits. Often, we experience pain because we think it should, but a better plan is to ask God what is required to gain momentum and stamina on our journeys.
This is the critical question we should be asking Heavenly Father. What do we need to release and gain in order to move upward in our destinies? The treasure we’re all looking for is not in the new and shiny thing. It’s not in a situation, condition, or new relationship. The treasure we’re looking for is close because it can be found within us, where the Spirit of Christ lives. A part of it is still locked, and the only thing that will unlock it is a greater walk with God through Jesus Christ. How can we expect to enjoy the yumminess within the jar without taking off the lid first? We must ask God about the things that are keeping us from walking in His overwhelming peace, love, joy, and power. Then we must be patient as He reveals the answers.
Jesus Christ said in John 16:13-15(NLT), “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me. All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is why I said, ‘The Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me.” Our hearts should burn to know the goodness of God that is contained within our own beings. The way to get to this treasure is to cling to Heavenly Father. It is on us to prove that we desire to know our destinies so that we can walk them out through the Spirit.
Our will must be surrendered to His Will, and there’s more surrendering to be done. Whatever keeps us from releasing is also blocking our blessing. We must have a willingness to lift the veil and see what we haven’t seen before. If we’re ready to do this, we’ll ask Heavenly Father the critical questions that reveal His truth and help us capture our destinies.■
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.
“The Treasure You’re Looking for Is Close!!!”, written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2019. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.