Tag: growing in Christ

Changing Our Hearts

When thinking about the human heart, most of us first consider the vital organ of the human body that is necessary to keep the body […]

Let Us Continue to Love

1John 4:7-10(NLT)“7 Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows […]

Be the Reason

One of our primary responsibilities as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ is to be the reason that others think God is good. There is […]

Where Are You?

A very nice lady in her senior years said to me recently that she’s been praying to God a long time to heal her right […]

My Cup Overflows

Pause for a minute. Take a comfortable seat and allow your mind to wonder back to Old Testament times. It was rough to say the […]

The Spirit of Truth

The first born-again Christian that I met who actually talked about being filled with the Holy Spirit was a woman that I had known most […]

If You Will Allow It

If we stuck to God’s Word and allowed it to lead, guide, and direct us when it comes to relationships that lead to marriage, every […]