Supernatural Ability, Identity, and Purpose


There are three words that sum up any individual’s attitude towards God, our Creator: supernatural, identity, and purpose. How we view these words will ultimately determine how we approach life, and most importantly, how we approach God. He desires a relationship with every human being living and that has ever lived, but He doesn’t force us to come into this relationship with Him. It is predicated on our decision to seek Him. Once we recognize that there is much more to life than our natural existence, and we ask the Lord Jesus Christ to show us the way to it, our spiritual journey begins. The aspect that is often a struggle is that our spiritual journey in Christ requires full surrender. Nothing can be held back, and when God reveals the thing we’re not surrendering, instead of releasing it many of us hold on to it even tighter.

Supernatural Ability
It was God’s good pleasure to create human-beings as His sons and daughters. The Godhead is three unified as one, and we can see this design beautifully laid out within our own make-up. God created us in His image. 1Thessalonians 5:23 tells us that we are three parts; spirit, soul, and body. All parts are to be kept blameless before God. Just as Christ and Holy Spirit are in the Father; our human-spirit and human-soul are contained within the body temple. They should be unified. This is why we renew our minds and hearts; we must bring them in alignment with the mind of Christ, and thereby in alignment with our human-spirit that has been made new in Christ.

Like the Godhead, our three parts have different functions. If we miss this incredibly important, useful piece of knowledge, we miss the whole shebang; we’ll never grasp the supernatural, and therefore forfeit our identity and purpose all together.

Spirit is what we are. We are spiritual beings having an earth experience. Supernatural is how we operate. It is how we were created to function within the earth’s domain. Certainly, we function in the natural, but our Daddy is a Spirit; therefore, supernatural function is preeminent with us, and we must grow in Christ to the point where it is more organic than functioning in the natural. If we do not learn to chiefly function supernaturally here, life will get away from us very quickly. Either it will end prematurely or bring us a great deal of dissatisfaction.

Life was not given to us to be lived on our own terms, even though God will certainly allow us to think and behave as if     it was. Life totally and completely belongs to God. He is the Source of it, and to maintain life with any degree of quality, we must live inside of Him—inside His Will and Word through the Lord Jesus Christ. This is life in the Spirit! It is life fully expressed supernaturally, through faith!

Who are you? Let that question sit with you a few minutes. Through God’s grace, you and I are allowed the place and space to figure this out on our own. As we do, we must know that although we are allowed to assume an identity of our own choosing, we cannot create, construct, or alter our true identity in Christ in any way whatsoever. The latter is the person that is predestined by God. This is the person that is written in His Books in heaven, and it is who we are meant to be. One of the reasons so many of us are sad, not feeling very blessed, and dissatisfied with our circumstances is because we doubt the extraordinary wonder of who we’re meant to be in Christ, and we haven’t sought to know this person with any degree of consistency and persistence.

We were created to have the same multi-dimensionality that Jesus Christ had as he walked the earth. He functioned both in earth and in heaven, and so do we. We have dual-citizenship; we’re citizens of heaven—that’s our home, and we’re living on the earth—a temporary dwelling. It stands to reason that we can’t be more attached to the temporary dwelling than we should be to our permanent home. 2Corinthians 5:20 declares we are ambassadors for Christ while on earth. As such, our purpose is to be conduits of His love and to share the Good News about him. If we don’t know the specifics of the part we’re purposed to play in his work, we must seek God; for He tells us in James 1:5 that if we lack wisdom regarding Kingdom matters, we can ask Him and He will not be upset if we do, but He’ll connect us with the wisdom we need.

The thing we’re not surrendering is also the thing that blocks us from laying full claim to our supernatural ability, our identity, and our purpose through, with, and in the Lord Jesus Christ. We will not get a do-over for this earth experience. Once our passport for this temporary place expires, we’re outta here! So the quicker we surrender that old life, the faster we can lay hold of our destiny in Christ and enjoy the bounty of blessings that comes with it.■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Supernatural Ability, Identity, and Purpose”, written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2019. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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