Single, Over 55, Desiring Marriage


A wonderful sister in Christ that’s in her early sixties wrote to me about the challenges of finding a good man. She’s looking for companionship that will ultimately lead to marriage, but she’s feeling very pessimistic about finding a compatible partner. Most women have a pretty good feel for the pool of eligible prospects in the environments they frequent. We know lots of people, and we’ve also heard stories about the ugliness many of our sister-friends are encountering with being single and dating over 55. These stories mixed with the disappointment of personal experiences has caused many sisters of a certain age to forfeit their faith and travel in the lane of unbelief and doubt. This, more than anything else, will paralyze their efforts to realize the dream of partnering.

What does it take to turn a deeply held “It’s not going to happen for me…” into “I will meet him any moment now!”? The first thing it takes is a commitment to eradicate the belief that there’s not enough men out there who would be to your liking. You can no more doubt the existence of your compatible partner than you do the existence of your very own being. You’re here…living, breathing, and vibrant. The miracle of how easy and gracefully you move throughout your everyday life is matched by the miracle of how your destiny partner moves throughout his. Our Father has seen to this. He doesn’t miss a beat. No detail ever escapes His infinite power, knowledge, and workings. We must never convince ourselves otherwise.

It’s a mind thing!
Our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, said in Matthew 21:22 (NLT), “You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.” Spiritual maturity beckons us to understand that this promise is made on the foundation of praying in God’s Will. A mature believer would not pray to receive something that is outside of Heavenly Father’s Will for his or her life. Therefore, it is incumbent for us to know the Will of God concerning us. He’s a God of order, and His number one priority for each of us is that we are molded into the image of Christ. This is God’s heart, and it is the central theme of our purposes within His plan.

Jesus Christ tells us in Matthew 6:33 to seek the Kingdom of God first, before we seek any other thing. Renewing our minds to this verse is inescapable if we desire to see the Will of God come to pass in our lives. It can’t only be about our need for companionship. It must be about our desire to see the purpose of God fulfilled. So often with many of us, this is the last thing, and not the first thing; and this keeps us separated from the blessing we desire most.

Attracting cooperation
Partnering involves another individual, and God will not overstep anyone’s free-will choice. This is why any person that is desiring to partner absolutely and unequivocally must show themselves flexible to the reality of change. Not only must you possess the flexibility to be in the right place at the right time, but your heart must speak a language that resonates with your destiny and your partner’s destiny as well. Many sisters of a certain age are not flexible enough. Not because they can’t change, but because they’ve spent years believing, behaving, and becoming stuck in a way that has made them comfortable. For many, these patterns are rooted and entrenched. Heavenly Father will not aid us in subjecting another individual to something that ultimately will not represent the splendor of His Kingdom.

Our destiny as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ is to demonstrate an overwhelming openness to the Will of God. It is to avail ourselves to His Will in every way. It is to respond to Him in faith, without the baggage of slothfulness or passivity. This is vital to the Will of God and critical to sustain a relationship that is led by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit quickens us—makes us vibrant despite our years on this planet. A failure to recognize and step into this spiritual zeal will repel the blessing we seek.

God created everything in the universe to correspond, cooperate, and conspire with us when we walk in our destinies. People and situations will ignore us when we are outside of them. Don’t let this happen! You have received Holy Ghost power and you can turn this around. Be committed to do so and be living proof that your confidence in God’s provision is solid. Pray to Heavenly Father that He will show you how to grow and be flexible to His Will for your life, because this is the greatest thing any of us can offer Him. When your heart is submitted to God in the way He requires, it will attract your destiny partner, no matter your age.■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Single, Over 55, Desiring Marriagewritten by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2019. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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