Meeting the Man of Your Dreams after 50

You’re never too old to meet someone new, but after 50 years of age, meeting the person you always dreamed you’d meet requires a shift. Not only must you change the way you think, but there might be other things or attributes you may need to change as well. Quite frankly, it used to be as simple as meeting a potential mate through a mutual acquaintance, friend, or family member. You might have met someone at church or at another social gathering. Those options are still a possibility, but nowadays, dating is a bit more complicated. If you’re over 50 and considering dating again, you might be returning to a dating scene that looks nothing like it once did. And not only that, being subconscious about aging and not having the energy you did 30 years ago may be giving your self-confidence a wallop. Even so, as believers we must be ever mindful that our God doesn’t change. Faith in Him will produce the same miraculous results as it always has.

Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith is the title deed to the things we hope for. It is the evidence that even though the blessing we’ve prayed to receive hasn’t shown up yet, it’s on its way to us. Many single women over 50 have been praying to meet a compatible partner, and they’ve been waiting a long time, but some of us haven’t yet grasped the reality of the title deed.

A title deed proves that something is yours. And knowing it’s yours is not nearly as important as knowing who gave it to you. Our glorious and infinitely wealthy Heavenly Father gives us good and perfect gifts. He is our Sufficiency and supplies all our needs. But we must also understand that praying to Heavenly Father to receive a material blessing like a new car or house isn’t the same as praying for marriage. A person’s free-will is involved, and God will never overstep anyone’s free-will agency. In a nutshell, God doesn’t give us other human beings. He grants us the privilege of honoring and loving them. And because He is so overwhelmingly caring and kind, He also makes sure that we’re prepared for this privilege, and He ensures that the treasure He’s placing in our care is the right fit for our lives.

This is important to know, because God has told us in 2Timothy 2:15 that we must work hard to be good workers that rightly divide His Word. This is how we’re supposed to present ourselves before God, so that we will receive His approval. As a good worker, our prayers should be in line with what God says in His Word. If we are praying to Him without an understanding of His requirements and standards, then our first order of business isn’t to pray for the thing we desire, but to pray for understanding and wisdom so we can pray rightly.

There are many sisters in the Lord over 50 that desperately desire companionship and have prayed to meet someone loving and kind, but they may be thinking they’re praying for the title deed to the man when they should be praying for the title deed to please God by honoring the man. That’s a whole different kind of prayer. It’s one that makes us recognize that the responsibility is on us to line up with what we’re asking to receive.

A deed is a legal and binding document. A title is a name, and it carries all the authority that is behind this name. How much authority does your name carry? After you think about the answer to this question, consider the authority and power in the name of Jesus Christ. He said in John 14:13(NLT), “13 You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.” There is no scale that could possibly measure the weight of authority and power that Jesus Christ has, and he has given this authority and power to us to utilize in the earth so that God is glorified in him.

1Corinthians 10:31(NLT) says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Most of us think we’re fulfilling this requirement, but our thoughts and opinions about it are of no consequence. Life is designed by God to show us the degree to which we fulfill His standards and requirements. There must be glory to God in the highest, for He alone deserves the highest praise. Bringing God glory requires us to be sold out on His goodness. Our desire to trust God and to believe in Him and His goodness must be greater than our desire for companionship or any other thing.

As women desiring partnership, many of us have been willing to compromise God’s standards in the past. Are we still that person? Are we still unwilling to put Him first in all that we do? He asks us to examine our hearts for the answers to these questions. Age isn’t a factor when it comes to trusting God. As more mature individuals, we’ve seen much and been through more. Our faith in God should be stronger not less. And our walk with Him should be sweeter, as we depend on Him for everything we could ever possibly need. And that includes companionship from someone that honors God just as we do.■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Meeting the Man of Your Dreams After 50” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times, for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2021. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord!

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