Keep On Believing, Praying, and Speaking Life!


Brian’s wife was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, not long after they were married. Before they got married, they talked about how they couldn’t wait to retire and start traveling to the places they had both longed to see. Neither of them could’ve imagined that instead of spending the rest of their lives together traveling the world, they’d be deciding which wheelchair lift to install in their home so Brian’s wife could get in and out of bed. This took an unimaginable toll on Brian and Jessica’s marriage. Not because they didn’t love each other, but because Jessica was dealing with the struggle of her disease without a strong belief in God.

Brian had given his life to Christ as a very young man. He had many years on this Christian journey under his belt, but his wife hadn’t accepted Jesus Christ as Lord of her life, and he knew this before marrying her. He thought she was one of the best people he had ever met, and he longed for her to experience the peace of God’s love that he has; she never took an interest. She had obliged Brian and sat quietly as he often prayed, but the commitment to become better acquainted with the Lord through His Word never seemed to be a priority for her.

I’ve heard many Christians talk about their relationship with God as being tighter than tight. They can quote scripture as easy as their ABC’S, but the true testament of how much of God’s Word is in our hearts will be shown through adversity. As a person of faith, you understand that it is important to renew your mind to God’s Word, so that you will never make the problem bigger than our God who solves them. When the person you love most doesn’t have faith anywhere near the size of a mustard seed, it makes communication and unity in the marriage much more challenging.

Faith responsibility
Marriage is a ministry, and maintaining unity requires tremendous work. There’s a level of humility and an attitude of service that is required, and it is unlike any other requirement in life. It can be strenuous for two saved people, and even more so when one partner isn’t saved. So, one can imagine how much more complicated things can become when a serious illness enters the picture.  But even with the complexity of the situation, no matter the issue, we always have a solution, and it can be found in our faith in God.

“Have faith in God!” This is what Jesus told the disciples in Mark 11:22 after they saw the fig tree that he had cursed. They were amazed at the result of the faith of Jesus Christ and at the authority of which he exercised it. Jesus Christ never once doubted the power of God, and neither should we. Our God knows what is going to happen before it happens. He knows the difficulties we face in life. He also knows that none of us are perfect and we’re going to make mistakes. His mercy and grace is sufficient, because He will always help us. He tells us in Proverbs 3:5 not to lean on our own understanding. We must not listen to those voices that tell us that a solution is impossible. We must always trust God with our whole hearts, because He will never leave us or forsake us, and He cannot fail.

Our faith responsibility is to keep on believing, keep on praying, and keep on speaking life and confessing the promises of God over our spouses and marriages. Single believers sometimes complain about the wait for marriage, not realizing how much God is helping them to prepare in spiritual strength for the road ahead. As spouses, we must be committed to exercise unwavering faith not just for ourselves, but for our spouses and the union we share with them. So, singles should be using this time to strive for a higher level of spiritual strength.

One day as Brian was cleaning out his storage, he came across a book about faith. His pastor had given it to him some years ago when he signed up to take the ‘New Believer’ class. He was reluctant about giving it to his wife at first, because he was unsure how she would receive it. To his surprise, she began reading it every morning. Then, they started to read it together. Slowly, he introduced the Bible to her by reading certain scriptures that pertained to trusting God through adversity.

Proverbs 19:21(NLT) says, “You can make many plans, but the LORD’s purpose will prevail.” You and I are not in control of outcomes. They belong solely to God, for it is His Will and Plan that goes forth, and Brian prayed every day that God’s Will for salvation and healing would be done in his wife’s life. Our faith cannot be in another person or situation. It must be placed solely in God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Our marriages fulfil God’s purpose, and we are so blessed because He’s given you and I the honor and privilege to believe and pray for our spouses, and to continually affirm our faith in His promises. ■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Keep On Believing, Praying, and Speaking Life! ” written by Kim Times, edited by Reverend Fran Mack for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2019.  All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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