How Are We Quickened by the Holy Spirit?


Anything that does not grow will die. This is a very plain statement of truth. It goes beyond that of being a fact. A fact is something that pertains to what we know in the present, but it could change when more information about the subject is gleaned. Science deals with facts, and most of us accept what we’ve learned about Science as being truthful. We have a very inquisitiveness nature and continue to explore and make new discoveries. When these new discoveries are made, they sometimes blow the facts we once accepted as truthful right out of the water. This never happens with God’s truth; it doesn’t change. His Word is true, and it is a solid foundation upon which we can build our lives. It will never fail, never change, and never let us down.

In Mark 12:27(NKJV), Jesus Christ tells us an extremely important piece of truth about our Heavenly Father. He tells us that God “is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living.” God is a God of life. For some, this is a mind-blowing piece of spiritual truth, one that they’ve never taken the time to meditate on so that it is fully digested in their souls. People blame all kinds of terrible things on our Heavenly Father. They do this because they don’t know the truth. As mentioned in a previous teaching, one of the biggest coups sheisted on the minds of people by the devil is to get them to call what he does ‘acts of God’, and to get them to label acts of goodness from Heavenly Father as dark and evil.

One of the great crimes that we perpetrate on ourselves is to underestimate how firmly and deeply the truth must be anchored in the hearts and minds of believers. We cannot believe rightly if we’re trying to build a foundation of truth on a lie. This will not work. When we understand how extremely vital truth is to sustaining life, Hosea 4:6 will take on a whole new meaning. In this verse, God tells us that His people are destroyed because they lack knowledge of His truth.

God’s Word is the bread of life. His Word is alive, and a supernatural transaction is executed every time that we digest it, believe it, and activate it. Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by the Word of God. Heavenly Father designed faith to respond to truth! Believers will often struggle in their minds to have faith when all that is required is for them to know God’s Word and believe it.

Many sisters have been struggling to trust God in the areas of marriage, health, addiction, and emotional stability and well-being. They are expecting the indwelling Holy Spirit to take them where they’ve not yet treaded in their thoughts and feelings. They expect him to go where they have not granted him access. They don’t feel the reality of faith, they don’t think the reality of faith; and therefore, faith cannot make the reality of their conditions a cozy residence.

A prophetic Word that is alive and active in your spirit-man will guide you on the path to purpose, prosperity, and well-being. For this to happen, we must be in a position of believing and humility before Heavenly Father, so that the things that we need to see and hear are quickened to us. Trust me, whether it’s relationships, marriage, health, or wealth, if your intention is to make serious moves this year, you need a specific rhema Word from heaven to do it.

As we pray and begin to read God’s Word, a quickening of certain instructions and words happens in our hearts. God will emphasize the very Word we need to hear, and it will produce in us a field for revelation to land. There’s a witness to this Word by the Holy Spirit, and this solidifies the knowing that is required for all human beings to believe. The nature of humans is such that we don’t believe without first placing trust in authority, and then secondly receiving testimony of the evidence. The testimony comes from the Holy Spirit, and he’ll then quicken that Word in us so that it comes alive in our being. It becomes a part of us—a part of our knowing.

Romans 8:11(KJV) tells us, “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” The Spirit quickens, and our faith gives him access to move us to the next level of blessings. He makes alive that which has been dead in us. We don’t get to tell Holy Spirit where, how, when, and what. We’re not leading him, he’s leading us. Our only responsibility is to fill our minds and hearts with God’s Word. As we do, the Spirit will increase the landscape of our vision and spiritual maturity. This is how we grant him access to take us to new places of blessings.

Romans 10:17 makes no bones about the reality that faith hears. It is summoned by the anchoring of God’s Word. When you lay hold of what God has quickened in you by the power of the Holy Spirit, faith comes. Faith is the evidence of what hasn’t yet manifested in the natural. It will connect through this quickening, and once it does, what you are believing to receive is a done deal. This is the quickening by the indwelling Holy Spirit, and all of us desperately need it to go higher spiritually, and in every other aspect of our lives.■
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

 “How Are We Quickened by the Holy Spirit?” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2018. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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