From Follower to Leader


In Malachi 3:6, God makes His sovereignty clear and tells us that He does not change. This is His self-defining truth, but some people use this scripture reference to suggest that transformation, reformation, and termination are not part of His plan. They use it as a whipping stick to try and slow the pace of change, so they can remain comfortable doing the same things they’ve always done. If we look at what is happening today, we see that many, if not all, of the institutions that we’ve clung to for years, are crumbling. The flaws of those in trusted positions of power are being exposed, and their refusal to obey the Will of God in the secret areas of their lives is going to be put on blast. Not for on-lookers to throw shade and stand in judgment, but to reveal the truth that God, and God alone, deserves our supreme adoration and praise; not man.

Room is being made for those that are gifted and have been held back, and those that are gifted and don’t know it. People have believed themselves to be followers, and there’s nothing wrong with this, for indeed we are blissfully blessed to be followers of Christ. But when it comes to following our destinies in him within this earthly realm, God’s plan is that followers are transformed into leaders. They are not to be followers always, and many in positions of authority have not seen it this way.

God has been extremely patient as we’ve gleaned knowledge and learned to walk by the Spirit with greater efficiency. The time of our graduation has arrived, and we will not have the institutions those before us leaned on. All of our struggles—all the tests, trials, and tribulations—have prepared us to now lean solely on God and to walk without crutches made and orchestrated by humans. We have not abandoned Christian discipline, nor is God lacking in willingness to execute His power on our behalf, but we can no longer think that things will go back to the way they used to be. They will not. Biblical history teaches us that with God, there is only an upward and forward trajectory. There is no regression within the realm of God’s Kingdom.

No, God doesn’t change, but even His slightest maneuver seems to require eons for us to catch up. It should be an extreme solace to us that God doesn’t change, because if He did, the magnitude of His shifting would take us back to dust before our first breath. We are the ones that have to change. God told us in Romans 12:1-2 to present the totality of our being before Him as a living sacrifice that is holy and acceptable to Him. He goes on to tell us that we should not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but we must be transformed by changing the way we think.

No doubt you have experienced situations in your life that have caused tremendous emotional pain. Perhaps you couldn’t understand why it happened and wondered why it ravaged your life in the way that it did. As children of God, we don’t expect to be attacked as dastardly as we are by the enemy. We’re shocked and devastated how he uses those close to us to deliver the blows. God didn’t cause the situation, and He’s not punishing us. Jesus Christ told us that as his followers we would endure challenging times, and as we transition into leaders, it is imperative that we prove our strength and endurance for the tasks ahead. Romans 5:3 tells us to glory in our sufferings. This doesn’t mean we should be gluttons for punishment. It means our sufferings will open our eyes to see God’s grace in greater ways. This is critical for growth and expansion.

Under no circumstances should tribulations hinder our hope in God’s glory, but rather, they should produce within us endurance, character, and greater hope. And this hope we have in God will not put us to shame. The Holy Spirit is at work within, helping us to become all that God desires us to be; this must be our constant focus—becoming the person in Christ that God has ordained. Perhaps you have underestimated the work you are destined to do, or you down-played the super importance of pursuing your purpose. If by chance you have, know that everything you’ve gone through has brought you to this pivotal point of having a better understanding of God’s Will and Plan for your life.

Leaders ordained of God are not those who covet position, titles, or authority. They seek preeminently to serve God’s Will and do so in the way He wants them to. They seek to fulfill a deep yearning in their souls, and it very often requires old expectations, habits, and comforts to be released. We can no longer think the way we used to think, because we are no longer the person we used to be. Our spirits have expanded and now our hearts and minds must catch up. They must be expanded to accompany the heft of blessing and assignment that is before us. Let’s make ready to embrace it. God knows what He wants to do in, with, through, and by us. So avail yourself to His plan, for increase is upon you, and you must open yourself to serve according to the rich destiny God has ordained.■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

“From Follower to Leader” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2018. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.


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