Don’t Give Up, Reach Out and Climb Higher!


The answer to the question, “Where is God taking me?” will be the same for every born-again believer. He is always taking us to higher spiritual heights. This brings the blockers in our lives front and center, because Jesus Christ made it crystal clear that we have an enemy that seeks to knock us back or knock us down; he seeks to corrupt our paths and cripple our endurance so that we lack the energy to climb higher. The methodology he uses is one of bringing so much confusion and chaos to our lives that we are blinded by it. We don’t see solutions. We don’t see deliverance; and we don’t see the opportunities that are right in front of us. We only see the past that is on replay in the present.

One of the big hurdles that many of us face is that we make the mistake of thinking that God will do the work that He has told us to do. He will not. He has empowered us, and this means that we must gather the stamina, tenacity, and confidence to do two things, reach out and climb higher. Both require that we always, always, always see the prize in front of us. We must be convinced of the victory that Jesus Christ has made possible, and we must know beyond knowing that the blessings, rewards, dreams, and aspirations that are in our hearts will come to past.

Some of us have gotten to the point where we see overcoming as an option, and it simply isn’t an option for the victorious in Christ. Victory is in our spiritual DNA. We can’t be stymied by the past, because there isn’t any place, condition, situation, or circumstance from which we can’t reroute ourselves and get back on the path of destiny when God in Christ is our focus. It is incumbent upon us, then, to recognize that God’s plan is truly the driving force of our existences. It’s the fuel that makes our lives work.

It’s an awesome plan, and it should inspire us daily to keep pressing towards the mark, but again, let us not be deceived. We have an enemy that tries to work against this plan with tricks and plots designed to distract and steal our focus. Therefore, you and I must make it a priority to figure out the difference between what is for us and what is against us, so that we can keep moving in the right direction. This can make all the difference in the world when it comes to manifesting the kind of success and happiness we expect.

Discerning what is for us and what is against us isn’t nearly as easy as we might think. Trickery would not be as deceiving as it is if it did not have at its core the cloak of counterfeit. Sometimes, we fall for the trick. The things that we think are for us are not, and the things that look to us to be less than optimal are actually the right choices. We will go for the new, bright, and shiny; and that’s not always what’s best. God doesn’t leave us to be guided by our less than wise judgment. He will help us to get clearer and wiser if we will ask Him. This is where many of us are. We might be experiencing a little discomfort, but the ultimate result is that we are gaining a spiritual notch on our belts.

When many of us approach the throne, we do so from the perspective of asking for the blessing, with the presumption of going higher after it is received. The exact opposite is most often God’s way. Again, He wants us to be clearer about our purpose within His plan, so in the midst of our struggle, He will take us higher spiritually first. Then, while we soar above the clouds, we are able to look down upon all the things we thought were mountains and see them for the small molehills they really are.

This is a game changer, one that causes our vision to be forever altered. We can look back on the frustration, disappointment, and resentment we might have experienced and see that although we didn’t understand it at the time, the end result worked out for our good. When we see the tricks and counterfeits for what they are, our endurance is strengthened, and our is faith purified by the fire. We can then recognize the trick for what it is, and move further in confidence because we know the prize is in reaching distance. This process is purposeful beyond comprehension.

You hear this all the time, but it can never be said enough: The mind is the launch pad for vision and faith. If you can’t see it, you can’t reach it. This is why God is taking this time to strengthen your vision. The enemy knows that your destiny is golden, and will try to blind you so that your vision isn’t clear. When your vision isn’t clear, your discernment is diminished and not only this, the enemy will try and zap your stamina so that you become emotionally exhausted from the chaos and confusion. Don’t continue to allow yourself to become tricked by mayhem. Focus on the prize.

Understand that tribulations are designed by the enemy to take us out, but the grace of God will morph them into preparation to handle greater blessings. Therefore, through our tribulations, we should be growing spiritually as we seek God for guidance and lean on Him for strength.

God tells us in Hebrews 12:1 to run with endurance the race that He has set before us. We have perhaps read this verse numerous times, but we neglect to recognize how pivotal endurance is to getting where the Father has destined us to be. Our arms need to be continually stretched, reaching out to receive all that they can hold. This means that our arms cannot be filled with doubt; and we can’t hold on to fear and its remnants. The weight of them is too heavy to carry, and we can’t get to the finish line if we refuse to let them go.

The dream you have for yourself is not just your own. Please know that the Father has given it to you. You are called to fulfill it. His hope is that when you get to the finish line, you won’t keep it to yourself. You’ll be in a prime position to really minister to someone that is battling themselves. Your witness of the process will assure them that they, too, will see the fulfillment of God’s promises. So, if you’re in the middle of a troublesome situation, know that it will not last. Become grounded in the faith during the storm, because the blessing that comes when it’s all over will fuel your testimony for the remainder of your days.■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.
 “Don’t Give Up, Reach Out and Climb Higher!” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2017. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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