‘Don’t Get Weary’… Easier Said than Done!


Sisters, we hear you! Your responses to “Keep Pressing, Don’t Get Weary, Let the Haters Hate” came in loud and clear. Understandably, the aspect of the teaching regarding getting weary struck a chord, particularly with those of you that are single and facing the challenges of life without a partner in your right-now circumstances. You want biblical and spiritual solutions that will counteract the heaviness of daily toils and struggles! You want the confidence to overcome in a way that takes you higher, and doesn’t give you a ‘one step forward two steps backward’ affect. You want to know that a meaningful and fulfilling existence, where you have a happy marriage and a happy life, isn’t just an unreachable, borderline fairytale myth. We get it!

In an effort to encourage you further in the Holy Spirit, expand your thoughts, and to help you recognize that the construct of Christ-level thinking is far from Pollyannaish, we pray that this teaching will truly reach down in your soul and bubble up within you the reserve to take by faith that which is rightfully yours; remembering that you can’t have it unless you can see it first.

It is important for us to keep in mind that God created us with the capacity to imagine our highest and grandest dreams. There is no way that humanity could have advanced as much as it has without this. Humanity is now at a point where the things it has been able to create are advancing at a rate that is higher than its capacity to fully understand them. As Christians, we need to get a hold of this, that it is actually happening in the world in which we now live. The evidence suggests that in many ways, we are allowing the world to tap into the Law of Believing in a manner that we, as Christians, have not. The Will of God is such that we would be the head and not tail, that we will be captains of industry, intel, and the like; not the world.

All of us achieve by forming the tangible from the intangible. This is the only way to produce, develop, create, or construct anything. Humanity didn’t orchestrate this pattern of creation, God did. Humankind existed as a thought in the mind of God. Through Jesus Christ, He created everything with our harmonious existence in mind. He created our souls, molded a body to house them, and then breathed spirit into this vessel to give the body life. This gives us a clue about the wondrous Mind of God.

Jesus Christ came that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). This more than abundant life that he made available is off the Richter Scale. Some of us think of it in a very flesh-oriented way, but the abundant life that Jesus Christ is talking about is a spiritual life. It is impossible to truly have an abundant physical-emotional-mental life without having an abundant spiritual life firmly in place.

The flesh and blood body is very limited, but our spiritual life has no limitations; better stated, our spirit being has no limitations. It far exceeds the narrow physical lens of which most of us see ourselves. In John 3:6 (KJV), Jesus Christ said, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” Jesus Christ has made an extremely critical and crucial separation here. He’s separated flesh from spirit. The two are not conjoined, and this is exceedingly important for us to understand. We have to meditate, marinate, and think this through to receive the heft of revelation that this verse reveals. You and I are spirit beings in Christ, because we have been born again. Through him, we have unlimited potential.

You and I must at all times remember that Jesus Christ is KING. The degree to which he allowed himself to be brought low is unfathomable. Elijah was a great prophet in the Old Testament, but he was not, in any way, the Messiah. Yet, at the end of his life on earth, he was carried away to heaven in a fiery chariot. Our Lord, Master, and King had nothing like this end. He allowed himself to be nailed to the cross, and died the most humiliating death there was. When he took his final breath, at the end of this humiliation, there was a signal of his divine glory; the renting of the temple veil.

It was not a coincidence that when he died, the priests were gathered together in the temple for the ritual of the evening sacrifice. They were eyewitnesses that the veil was torn into, not from bottom to top as it is normally done, but from top to bottom.

After his visit with God on the mountain, the glory of God was so heavily on Moses that others were not able to stand to look upon his face. It had to be concealed or covered. In like manner, the function of the veil in the temple was one of concealment. The veil in the temple separated the Most Holy Place (Holy of Holies) from the Holy Place. Only priests ordained by God could enter the Most Holy Place, where the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat were kept. The glory of God was in that place, and even the priest would die instantly if they had not sanctified themselves according to God’s instruction prior to entering the Most Holy Place.

The renting or tearing of the temple veil signified God’s removal of the wall separating us from Him. Through Jesus Christ, He made us holy again, and thereby able to stand before His throne with no sense of guilt, sin, or condemnation. The death of Christ repealed the law, cancelled out the ordinances, and broke down any-and-everything standing between us and God. His death laid open a new and living way to the Father. It unlocked our minds and allowed them to expand and dream our highest, greatest dreams, and it allowed us to get back what the devil stole from Adam, and to experience the Shechinah glory of God. It was always Heavenly Father’s intention that we bask in His glory.

In this world that is dominated by sin and strife, it is easier to follow suite and do exactly as we see those around us doing. They are weary from the toils of life because their spirit is not alive. That is not the case with the Christian. Our spirits are born again! We are new creations in Christ! Our old life is dead and gone; it was crucified with him, so weariness has been nailed to the cross.

When it comes to partnering, and having the life that we desire, we ought to dream big, and the energy of trusting and believing in that dream ought to fuel our hearts and minds continually. We should be so psyched about what God has promised and what He’ll perform in our lives. It’s when we are this assured in the goodness of God that we can mount up with wings like eagles, and run and not be weary. (Isaiah 40:31) The distance between this level of believing and where we are in our hearts and minds today will determine the measure of weariness we’ll experience.

Yes, we all get weary from time to time, but never allow it to deter you from believing as grand and high as you can for your life. The sacrifice of Christ tore down the wall of mystery surrounding God’s intention for the glory of His children, and we can’t allow anything to deter us from what He has in store. Whenever you can, be sure to remember who you are, whose you are, and what has been done for you through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. No, everyone doesn’t get a fairytale ending, but as God’s beloved, that isn’t our goal. Our goal should be to ensure that our attitudes, actions, ambitions, and faith equal the reality of what our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has given us. It’s not a fairytale; it’s a miracle, and you can live it every day!■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

“Don’t Get Weary, Easier Said than Done!” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2017. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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