Don’t Be Caught without Enough Oil

More frequently than perhaps any other time that we know, people are not who they make themselves out to be. Back in the day, not only was meeting new people and potential partners fairly simple, everyday people didn’t seem to be nearly as complicated as they are now. Usual routines that included going to the grocery store, work, gym, or the mall were considered prime for introductions and chance meetings. Although you can still meet people this way, it’s nowhere near as organic as it was in the past. Even more troubling is the reality that our reliance on technology allows a person to hide behind a false persona, and they can do this for a very long time. Many of us have been deceived and disappointed this way. We found that someone we met who at first seemed to be a really decent individual ended up being far from it.

We not only have to be smart about relationships with men, but with everyone and everything that is going on today. Many of us are walking around with our eyes closed. We haven’t noticed that things have shifted in the world, and that the devil is very busy. Even those we’ve known for years are behaving strangely, and we’re finding ourselves having to be more cautious about our every move much more than we ever have before. Jesus did not keep it a secret that the complexities of spiritual warfare in this season would be nothing like we’ve seen before. People are becoming unglued because God has prophesied in His Word that they would. And no amount of positive thinking is going to change the outcome of His prophecy. The writing is on the wall. It’s time to pray and get prepared.

In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 12, our Master Jesus teaches us to always be prepared for his coming. In Luke 12:35(NLT), he said, “Be dressed for service and keep your lamps burning.” His reference to “lamps burning” reminds us of his parable of the five foolish bridesmaids in Matthew 25. There was no electricity during Bible days, so clay lamps with spouts were their source of light, and these had to be oiled periodically in order to continue burning. The five foolish bridesmaids, along with the five wise ones, were heading out to meet the bridegroom. As was their custom during those times, they all took their lamps with them. Jesus tells us that five of the bridesmaids were foolish because they didn’t bring enough oil to keep their lamps burning during the night. A trip to the store to purchase more oil caused them to miss the bridegroom and to be cut out of the blessing of the wedding celebration.

Matthew 25:11-12(NLT) states, “11 Later, when the other five bridesmaids returned, they stood outside, calling, ‘Lord! Lord! Open the door for us!’ 12 “But he called back, ‘Believe me, I don’t know you!’” Of course, the bridegroom in this parable is Jesus Christ, himself. He made sure in the parable of Matthew 25 to breakdown the difference between his followers (bridesmaids with oil) and those who do not follow him (bridesmaids without oil). Those that follow Christ will be prepared for his coming. We will be dressed for service with plenty enough oil to keep our lamps burning.

Those who do not follow him are those without enough oil. They have not been diligent to do what God commands and requires, but many of them are deceptive because they look the part. These are those who lack faith because they haven’t prepared themselves with God’s Word. They have no intention of engaging the spiritual practices of reading God’s Word and praying often, and these are what it takes to be well-oiled. Again, they don’t have enough oil, but they know exactly how to identify those that do.

The wise bridesmaids not only had enough oil, Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:4 that they had extra. We can’t sleep on this requirement. God requires and has equipped the believer in Christ to have extra oil. The extra is needed for the time in which we are currently living. Jesus Christ has told us the tendency of those that are refusing to prepare for his coming. They are procrastinating because they always think they have enough time. They are abusers of God’s grace, because they are taking advantage of it. He has been exceedingly patient with them. In fact, His patience never runs out, but we can be assured that one day soon, His grace will run out on those that have neglected to honor and be obedient to His Word.

We need to pay attention to what God is telling us. We also need to be careful that our eyes are open. There are many wolves out there in sheep’s clothing and they are not truly concerned about our well-being; they are out for themselves. If we’re not careful, they will chip away at our confidence and leave us without the covering of faith and protection we desperately need in this hour.

In Matthew 25:13(NLT), Jesus Christ warned those who followed him, “So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return.” He will return to the earth, and although it sounds too wonderful to be true, it is true because God’s Word declares it. Ultimately, Christ will receive the kingdoms of this world as the inheritance our Father has promised him, and every knee will bow to our Lord and Master. Right now, every knee isn’t bowed to him. Instead, most are walking around asleep. This isn’t our destiny, and we must be diligent to ensure that it isn’t. Our Redeemer encourages us to surrender our lives totally to him. When we do, we’ll have more than enough oil for our lamps, and we’ll be gathered together to meet him when he comes. ■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Don’t Be Caught Without Enough Oil” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times, for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2022. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord!

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