“Is There A Curse on You Or Your Family?


I’m originally from a small rural community in the south. I grew up in a Christian home, and I thought everyone else did as well. It wasn’t until I was an adolescent that I began to notice some things that caused me to question this. There were a few families in this small community that seemed to carry an aura of secrecy about them. They were isolated, guarded, and spoken of with a decidedly undercurrent of disdain, particularly the women. I didn’t understand it as a child. The kids seemed to be as normal as anyone I knew. We all played together under the bright sunny sky during the daylight hours, but the nighttime was a completely different story. Right out of a scary movie, it was the darkness that cast the greatest shadows on these families.

There would be nightclub brawls and neighborhood fights, some rivaling anything we see on reality TV today. The women in these families were especially vicious, and would take on any foe, male or female. They would dawn the steps of the House of the Lord every Sunday morning, but their brutality on Saturday night was seeped in actions sanctioned and handed down by eccentrically wicked root workers. The women were given instructions to terrorize and cast spells on the wives whose husbands they were trying to steal, and had also worked roots upon.

‘Roots’ is a word used for the black magic of back woods witches, mediums, physics, tarot card and palm readers, and other manipulators of the occult. We called them root workers, and they are still referred to as such to this day. They are all controlled by familiar spirits that are dispatched by satan to confound the truth and destroy lives. Many people, some even Christian, see them as harmless—entertaining even, but I thank God that I had a front-row seat to the devastation they can cause. These individuals are not of God, and we must wise up, rise up, and be exceedingly careful not to allow them room in our minds and lives.

In John 10, Jesus Christ tells us that the enemy, satan, is a thief; he kills, steals, and destroys. Jesus said that the thief doesn’t come through the front gate, where he’d be out in the open. Instead, he climbs over the back wall. This deceitful, slippery, and sneaky approach is indicative of all those that allow themselves to be conduits for demonic forces. God doesn’t want us to be ignorant of satan’s devices, particularly in this present time, where occultism and satan worship is on the rise.

Familiar spirits are evil corrupters, dispatchers of familiar information that seems truthful, but is deceptive and manipulative. They are sent from satan to not only spy on our lives, but they have spied on generations within our families that go further back; which is why they know some of our weaknesses as well as the weaknesses within our lineage. This is also why they are able to mimic certain characteristics and likenesses of our deceased loved ones. People will think they are seeing or hearing from the ghost of someone that has passed on, when really they are being bamboozled by a demonic spirit.

It is a huge mistake to go to psychics and the like, because the spiritual consequence in most cases is catastrophic. Some of them in fact do receive information, but you must consider the source of their information. It is from the kingdom of darkness, and often a curse will land on you because you’ve opened the door for the enemy to walk right into your life.

I’ve heard many people say that they are blessed of the Lord, and therefore, cannot be cursed, but if you disobey God, you will place yourself under a curse. Wherever there is sin in our lives of which we have failed to acknowledge and repent, there exist an opportunity for the enemy to land a curse. Disobedience gives the enemy the legal right to buffet our peace and reap havoc in our lives. There’s a beautiful verse in Psalm 91:1 that says, “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Living in the shelter of the Most High requires us to remain faithful to God’s Word, to make a conscious choice to remain in His territory, under the arc of His safety; and to do what His Word says. If we walk according to God’s statutes, laws, and decrees, we will stay in His shadow, and find rest there.

The truth is that some individuals are living under generational curses, where sinful habits have passed from one generation to the next, and because we refuse to be knowledgeable about spiritual matters, and do what is necessary to bust up strongholds, we pass on the same sinful habits that our parents and grandparents indulged. We need to take authority through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and repent.

Root workers and workers of the occult are empowered by the evil one. Through them it is possible for curses to land on us and be passed from us to those in future generations. 2Kings 15:9-10 (NKJV) tells us of such a record by informing us of the short reign and eminent death of Zechariah. It says, “And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, as his fathers had done; he did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who had made Israel sin. 10 Then Shallum the son of Jabesh conspired against him, and struck and killed him in front of the people; and he reigned in his place.” If there are those in our families that have been cursed by root workers, and have therefore opened the door for familiar spirits to enter in, we need to repent on their behalf, and crucify their deeds through the blood of Jesus Christ, so we can ‘send them evil spirits packin!’

This talk of seeing ghosts and the belief that they exist is a trick of the enemy and an invitation for him to execute further plots and curses upon us. We need to rise up and recognize our responsibility to the faith. We were not saved so that we could sit around with our hands beneath our hineys. We were called to usher in the Kingdom of God upon this earth. We have been made righteous by the blood of Christ, and this means we are to stand with authority, so that we can take back what the enemy has stolen from our families. We have a responsibility to plead the blood of Jesus in our lineages and untangle them from evil for generations to come.

Those of us that consider ourselves intelligent and educated will sometimes balk at matters such as these. Many Christians discount them as trivial and antiquated. Bad idea to do that. A curse will interrupt your destiny and keep you from progressing forward in the way that God desires. Recognize that everything that exists in this realm is spiritual. When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING! Don’t be blind!

You are enough through Jesus Christ to do what needs to be done! You don’t need some phony, counterfeit spirit working through someone to tell you about the future. You don’t need someone telling you how to move, when to move, or where to move. You have the Holy Spirit to tell you those things, and he is a superior guide, teacher, comforter, and friend. No human or other spirit is capable of doing what he will do for us. Trust him. Pray that your family is released from any curse in the name of Jesus Christ! Pray this often!■

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. 

“Is There A Curse on You Or Your Family?” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2017. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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