Category Archives: Purpose

Embracing God’s Purpose-the Path to Fulfillment and Joy

Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) tells us, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” This verse emphasizes our Heavenly Father’s purpose for our lives—to reflect the likeness of Jesus Christ in every possible way. Each encounter, experience, and…
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Finding the Treasure in You

After a friend said that Valentine’s Day was a complete disappointment for her, she is feeling defeated and sad. She doubts that God will ever bless her with a husband and wants to give up on this desire. She told me that she realizes her standards are very high and that she is very picky.…
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Don’t Be Caught without Enough Oil

More frequently than perhaps any other time that we know, people are not who they make themselves out to be. Back in the day, not only was meeting new people and potential partners fairly simple, everyday people didn’t seem to be nearly as complicated as they are now. Usual routines that included going to the…
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Producing Good Things for God’s Kingdom

In Matthew 16:19-20(NLT), Jesus Christ tells us, “19 Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.” It is very interesting that…
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Balance Requires the Right Measurement

When the Children of Israel were in the wilderness, God fed them manna from heaven. 2Corinithans 3:5 tells us that God is our sufficiency. He takes care of our every need. He does this for each of us, and He did it for His people that were living during Old Testament times. The scriptures tell…
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The Fallen Woman

I, like so many of those who knew her, believed that Twawni Davis was destined for great things. In addition to her model good looks, she was the most talented individual I had ever known, and as a young person I was always mesmerized in her company. Of course, she dated the most handsome, popular…
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Challenging Yourself Is a Good Thing

Have you ever been in a meeting or situation where you swore you were going to keep your thoughts to yourself, then someone said something to push your buttons and you opened your mouth before you knew it. You might have rehearsed your cool, calm, and collected demeanor in your head a thousand times. You imagined how…
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Press Forward

Jesus Christ gave a strong, but short and to-the-point warning in Luke 17:32(NLT). He said, “Remember Lot’s wife.” For this warning to hit our hearts and minds as impactful as it must, we need to know a little bit more about Lot’s predicament. He was Abraham’s nephew, and when Abraham left his own father’s land…
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God Wants to Bless You!

Heavenly Father is a God who blesses with increase and abundance. We see this right from the beginning, in Genesis 1:20-24. God created whales and other sea creatures, and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water. He created the birds as well, everything producing after its own kind. So, no monkeys having…
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Are You Willing to Do What He Asks?

1John 4:8(NLT) tells us, “But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” Our Heavenly Father has given us everything we need to know about Him in this one verse. He is love, and since we are His children, He has an expectation that we will aspire to be love…
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