Category Archives: Obedience

Romance Cannot Replace the Truth

Walking almost a mile in the snow, Mel’s feet were frozen stiff, and she thought to herself more than once, “I can’t feel my toes anymore!” She scolded herself for wearing her cute boots instead of the ones Michael had recommended for snowy weather. He was trekking almost twenty feet ahead of her, but Mel…
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Don’t Be Caught without Enough Oil

More frequently than perhaps any other time that we know, people are not who they make themselves out to be. Back in the day, not only was meeting new people and potential partners fairly simple, everyday people didn’t seem to be nearly as complicated as they are now. Usual routines that included going to the…
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You Must Have God’s Hedge of Protection

People are longing to go back to a time that was far less complicated and tumultuous. Politicians are even running campaigns based on it. They are trying to convince the masses that they can make things the way they used to be. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we would do well not to…
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You Love Him, but He Doesn’t Love Jesus

2Corinthians 6:14(ESV) says, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” Many single believers struggle with applying the discipline and wisdom of this verse to their own lives. The challenges of being a single person that is looking to cross paths with a compatible…
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Why the Lord Said ‘Don’t Do It’

Ephesians 2:8(ESV) says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” There is nothing that any human being can accomplish or attempt to do in life that does not involve God’s grace. We cannot even get up from where we’re sitting…
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Christ Has Set Us Free!

We live in an environment where there are many false prophets, and they are coning people by convincing them to place their trust in what he or she, the false prophet, says. God warns us to test this stuff against the truth of His Word, because a true prophet will never speak anything that deviates…
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Have You Forgotten Your Crown?

Matthew 4:17(KJV) tells us, “From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” This verse allows us to expand our knowledge of an extremely important truth. It is the reality that the focus of this message in which our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, began…
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The Crown of a Worthy Woman

Proverbs 12:4(NLT), “A worthy wife is a crown for her husband, but a disgraceful woman is like cancer in his bones.” The biblical branding of a “Virtuous Woman” is so popular now that we see it labeled on tags, cups, and other merchandise. It’s stamped across tee-shirts or sweatshirts as a catchy phrase, and worn…
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Baby Steps Will Yield Big Results

There was a time in my life when I celebrated the blessing of a new year with a long list of resolutions. Why did I put all that pressure on myself? I missed so much of the joy of newness by overwhelming my efforts with unreasonable expectations. Things like getting back into the gym, traveling…
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Consistent and Unwavering

I don’t know if any of you have ever had a conversation with someone that is truly disappointed with life, but I have. I know a person that has lost everything in life that was important. This woman became jobless, then homeless and car-less, then her children were taken away. As a single mom, she…
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