Can You Get Him Back?


Jesus Christ asked in Mark 9:23, “What do you mean, ‘If I can’? Anything is possible if a person believes.” In this healing miracle that transpired in Mark 9:14-27, a father asked Jesus to cast out a demon that had possessed his son, but this father was not fully convinced that it was indeed possible for his son to be healed. Our Lord and Savior helped this man remove the “IF” from his mind so that he could swell with faith in that instance, and his son could be healed. When it comes to our broken marriages and husbands that have abandoned the relationship, many women are struggling with an “IF” as well. We hear so much about infidelity these days, because this is what the devil wants; he desires to sow seeds of doubt, and he cleverly smothers the testimonies of men that are making a complete turnaround. The truth is that many men do return home after they’ve left their marriages, and as women, we’ve got to know how to build our faith in God so that He can set restoration in motion.

Know who you are
Genesis 2:23-24 tells us that God took a rib from Adam’s body and made ‘woman’, his companion. From one human, our extraordinarily powerful, brilliant, and loving Heavenly Father made two. God made a point to tell us that she, the ‘woman’, was taken from the ‘man’. Then He put the icing on the cake by telling us that because the woman was taken from the man, the man must leave his parents house and join to his wife. Then, together, the two of them will come back to God’s original purpose for this state of oneness. And the cherry on the top will be the love that binds them together as man and wife.

Unity carries the covering of God’s blessing. He doesn’t bless the woman with unity just because she marries. She carries this blessing of unity within her simply because she is a woman. We are not less than our male counterparts, and neither are we greater. However, we must never underestimate what the Father has placed within us, because we are meant to deliver His blessing in a way that a man cannot. Heavenly Father cosigns this in Proverbs 18:22 when he says that a man that finds a wife finds a good thing. But what we see in so many cases is that once the relationship sours or the man leaves the home, we forget who we are and what we carry. We work against the unity that God wove within our very makeup. Some sisters will strike out at the other woman or become belligerent and belittle the wayward husband. We abandon that very basic tenet of the feminine code which is to let go and let God!

If you lose yourself when disharmony and disunion arise, imagine what else the devil will steal from you as you journey forward in life. If your husband chooses to break the sacred union of you, he, and Christ; then you have a responsibility to cling ever so tightly to the Lord. You are made to foster unity, and when you find that you have lost touch with this, your only choice is to let the Father replenish you.

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit
Idolatry is a sin. Nations fall because of it. As women, as wives, we cannot make an idol of any man. Some wives worship their husbands. This is a mistake. Many women in relationships will do anything to please the man without ever considering whether they are pleasing God. This is sinful behavior. It causes a rift in our relationship with God, and this grieves the Holy Spirit; for the Spirit’s job is to help us grow closer to God through Christ, so we can praise and worship Him greater. Ephesians 4:30 tells us not to grieve the Holy Spirit of God, because we desperately need the Spirit’s power to aid us in every way.

God wants to bless us in marriage and also in our pursuit of it, but any time we seek to please others before we please Him, we tie His hands. Jesus Christ instructed us in Matthew 6:33 to seek God first in all things, and if we have not done this, we must repent. We must ask God to create in us a clean heart and a right spirit, so we can put Him in His rightful place of authority, then the power of the Holy Spirit can move mightily in our situations.

Answer a brutally honest question
Listen, people will tell you a lot of things when your relationship is ailing. You might be tempted to blame your spouse, but do not waste time and emotional resources this way. It’s not about blame, not towards him or yourself. But believe this with every fiber of your being, if the blessing of marriage is slipping from your grasp, it has everything to do with destiny. There is something about the path you’ve begun that opposes the destiny God has for you. You are on a trajectory to take a left and the Father has purposed you to take a right.

Something in your heart and mind must change, and this must be the focus of your prayers. If you doubt this to any degree, I implore you to go before the throne of our magnificent and glorious Heavenly Father. Ask Him in the most humble way that you can to show you if and where you’ve erred. Lay bare before Him, with absolutely no pretense, and ask Him how and what you must change. Restoration flows as effortlessly as water when a heart is truly seeking God and is eager to please Him and accomplish that which He has ordained.

Our God answers prayer, and He is able to do what no other can do. He can cause your husband to come home this very night and peace will abide as wonderfully as it ever has, but faith in the Lord must be firm. It is God who causes all things to work together for our good. He is our Provider, our Sufficiency, and Great Rescuer. We must be confident that God will always reward our obedience to Him, and He will always reward our faith. A broken union calls us to draw closer to Him through the Lord Jesus Christ, and to trust totally and completely in His delivering power.■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Can You Get Him Back?”, written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2019. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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