Being Super Woman


We’ve all faced our share of hard times and disappointments, and some of us have experienced some doozies. Whether it’s a letdown at the job or possibly a major heartbreak in our relationships, at some point in our lives many of us were crushed beyond what we believed to be our threshold. As uncomfortable as it may be, briefly take your mind back to one of those times. Do you remember thinking how impossible it seemed that you would recover or that life would ever be happy again? The Lord brought you through it, and you got up looking to everyone around you like your super woman powers remained intact. You may even be able to laugh about it now, but as women of God there’s something that we leave behind during the process of deliverance and healing from our tribulations; and we just may need to go in search of it.

When a devastating situation occurs in our lives, it causes us to experience all kinds of hurt. We make the mistake of thinking that the situation caused our emotional pain. Often these situations reveal the pain that was lurking beneath the surface all along, but we were never pressed to face those emotions. Life has a way of doing this to us. We have certain vulnerabilities, and to the extent that they stand in the way of us pursuing our destinies in the Lord and growing in His Word, situations will arise that bring these heavies out into the open. This is one of those truths that we lose track of during our process of healing and deliverance. It’s the reality that we ought to look at our weakness face to face, not only in an attempt to be thankful to God for bringing us out, but to learn to be strong and humble without being bitter or resentful.

Like all super heroes, we put that cape back on and off we go. With balled fist in the air, we make ready to lift off and prepare to fight another day. We know the standards of a Proverbs 31 woman, and seek flight to that level; but we forget to take the time to relax, reflect, and remember the surrender that was necessary for our release. Catapulting from blessing to blessing shouldn’t be a new experience for us, we should be doing it all that time (Amen), but lift off must take place in the spiritual before it does in the natural.

All access to God’s power and strength requires our total surrender. He tells us in 2Corinthians 12:9 (NIV), “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” The Apostle Paul said in this same verse, “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” This is always going to be our mission, to rest in the power of Christ.

If being a super woman in Christ teaches us nothing else, it mirrors for us that our transformation must be a spiritual one, otherwise all that twirling will make you dizzy. We forget this when we try to go too large and haven’t spent enough time resting in the Father’s arms, so that He can prepare us and teach us about what He’s got planned for our lives.

We get our grown woman thang on, and we lose sight of the truth that the power we need and use belongs to Heavenly Father. It isn’t ours. God’s Word in Proverbs 31 paints a portrait of a supernatural woman. She’s super because of the supply she receives from Him. She’s a wonderful wife, mother, friend, boss, giver, homemaker, coworker, and

confidant because of her devotion to Christ. God is so extraordinarily good to us. He brilliantly created us with the ability to wear many hats, because He crafted us from His love. He wove both strength and vulnerability into our makeup, and they remind us that He’s our Source.

In Matthew 11:29 (NLT), Jesus Christ said, “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ will give us rest, but we can’t neglect that we have his standing invitation to learn of him. His rest provides us an opportunity to know more about his wondrous love than we knew before. We desperately need this knowledge. We need to know more about how he moves in the Father’s love, and how he moves in us as we clothe ourselves in a childlike faith.

We can’t forget that we have to be taught and led to enlarge our capacity in order to live the life we are meant to live. We must be empowered by the Holy Spirit that indwells us as we tap into God’s strength, wisdom, and endurance. And we’re not always going to get it right. He’s there to catch us when we fall, and reinforce our steps when they are not sure. Psalms 18:33 (NLT) tells us, “He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.”

As little girls, we might have jumped around as if we were leaping off tall buildings. As adults, we should learn to look to Jesus before we leap. One of the other things that we should learn is to let go and let God handle the big stuff. Worrying and trying to squeeze that square peg into a round hole expends a great deal of energy. Our minds must be renewed in order for the pieces to fit, and this is a continual process that will never end as long as we are alive. So a better plan is to stop worrying about stuff that is out of our control. Use that time and energy to get into God’s Word—to read His promises and study them until they become a part of us.

The kryptonite that we mustn’t ever be without is the knowledge that everything in life is designed to lead us closer to God through Jesus Christ. The most important aspect of being a super woman is being supernatural according to the reality of all that Christ is and all that we can become through him. It’s putting on the good stuff God has provided through the knowledge of His Word. So as we busy ourselves being super woman to others, we can never forget that the most important aspect of our existence is to flow with the Holy Spirit. We can learn to be strengthened through tough times as we lean on him. He will empower and embolden us to reach greater heights, and to do so in a way that gives us everlasting comfort, confidence, and strength.■

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

“Being Super Woman” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2017. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.


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