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This website is the collaborative effort of ministers, leaders, teachers, and other devoted Christian men and women who honor the union of marriage. They have dedicated themselves to pray for single women who desire a good and Godly man to wed.
Some of the things we will be praying for:
- That God will remove any person, situation, or circumstance standing in the way of you meeting your husband.
- That you will receive and follow divine inspiration from the Holy Spirit. This inspiration will help to position you to meet your mate at the right place and at the right time.
- That those who will speak the words you need to hear will cross your path, and that you will not dismiss those words of wisdom, but heed them.
- That those who will speak the words your future husband needs to hear will cross his path, and that he will not dismiss those words of wisdom, but heed them.
- That you and your spouse are spiritually prepared to be united in the spirit of all that is ordained of God, through His precious son, Jesus Christ.