Seek God for A Plan

Proverbs 19:21 tells us that there are many plans in a person’s heart. Planning for things is what we humans do, but when it comes to seeing those plans come to fruition, this verse gives us serious perspective. It says that although we can make many plans for our lives, it’s God’s purpose that prevails. In Jeremiah 29:11, He reminds us that He’s the One with the plan, and He doesn’t need our help when it comes to what He has in store for our destinies in Christ. Heavenly Father reassures us that He knows the plan He has for us, and they are good plans. They give us a future, and they give us a living hope that keeps us inspired to always go higher in Jesus Christ. We can be assured that no greater plan than this exists.

Through the Apostle Paul, God tells us in Ephesians 1:11(NIV), “In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, 12 in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.” The truth of this verse is where we must apply our full and unwavering confidence. We didn’t choose God first, He chose us first. Even before we entered our mother’s wombs, God knew us, and He predestined us to be a part of His family.

The other extremely important piece of knowledge revealed in Ephesians 1:11 is that only God can predestined things according to His plan. You and I are not making this up as we go along. God has ordered our steps according to His Will, and it is our responsibility and privilege as His children to seek Him for guidance every day. He commands us in Galatians 5:16,25 and to walk and live by His Spirit. This means that with the rise of the sun each morning, we should be giving our days to God. We should be asking Him to open our eyes to what He desires us to do in that particular day so that we can be a blessing to His Kingdom.

Our Heavenly Father has included everything in His plan, from the most minute to the grandest detail. He works everything out to such a degree that it all conforms with His Will. What this means for us is that there is nothing we can do to escape what God has planned for us. This is Good News indeed! That’s why we ought to be consulting Him before we do anything with the plans that we’ve drawn up for ourselves. He instructs us in Proverbs 3:5-6(NLT), “5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6 Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” God is the One to direct our paths, and we can depend on this with all that we are.

Some of us feel as though God’s pace is slower than we’d like. We become restless and bored. We feel there’s a vacuum in our lives, and we want it filled. We’re tired of the ‘same old’, and we’re asking God for something new and fresh. In our minds, we’re not requiring much, just a little excitement every now and again. Others want their socks blown off. They believe there’s an oomph that everyone should have in life, and this elusive oomph makes a person enthusiastic about getting up every morning. They can’t define this get-up-and-go and don’t know if comes from meeting a new person, having a different set of circumstances or embracing a new encounter, but they believe this is the key they’ve all been searching for. They believe wholeheartedly that they’ll embark upon this great aspirational phenomenon somehow. They’re convinced it will add purpose and fulfillment to their lives. When it comes, they believe they’ll hit their strides, and this oomph will take them through the rest of their lives with purpose and continued happiness. Although it may not be articulated, this is the spark that so many on waiting on to jumpstart a more meaningful existence.

By anyone’s imagination, this is quite a tall order for an oomph, and to be quite honest, it’s more fairytale than faith. Many of us are waiting on this feeling or motivator to swoop us off our feet, and we have been waiting a long time. We think it might be a blessing that we haven’t already received. God expects us to realize from His Word that He and His goodness are infinitely more fulfilling and meaningful. We can also be assured that the plan He has for our lives is infinitely greater than the oomph.        `

We must understand that our future in Christ is guaranteed. We’re never going to be less than what God says we are in Christ. We will never see hell, and we will always be with our Heavenly Father. This is monumentally Good News! There is nothing in our lives that compares to what God has given us in Christ. He’s given us the gift of eternal life because of our union with our blessed Redeemer, and Heavenly Father will never, ever backtrack on His promises. He has sealed our destinies in Christ, and because of this we are going to be to the praise of His glory, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

We are God’s kids! He believes the best in us even when we don’t believe in it ourselves. Ephesians 1:11affirms that God wove together His plan from the very beginning, before He even founded the world. He included the destinies of every single one of His children and this is the oomph we ought to be excited about.

What we desperately need is a divine revelation about what God has planned for our lives. Many of us have been seeking everywhere else but the Kingdom of God to fill the emptiness we feel in our hearts. One of our problems is that we want something new, but we’re still clingy to the old. Our approach to fulfillment has lost pace with the newness Jesus Christ has given us. We’ve forgotten that our minds and hearts must increase in the love of God, and this is the increase that takes us higher.

Don’t seek your failures first by focusing on what you don’t have. Be thankful for your blessings and seek God so that you can be confident you’re walking in His plan for your life. Some of us are still trying to revive things that should have been cut off years ago. We’ve refused to see that this is holding us back. You must be at a place where you are continuously seeking Heavenly Father, and you view seeking Him as the greatest joy of your life. We must never become so consumed with what we think we want, that we can’t see how abundantly God has already blessed us through Christ. Our destiny is in God’s very capable hands. He knew from the beginning what would be at the end. So, here’s a thought, even if only for a season, let your plan fall to the wayside. Walk with God and let Him show you that He has a much better one.■

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Seek God for A Plan” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2022. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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