Have Faith in the Victory God Has Promised

There can be no doubt in anyone’s mind that something in both the supernatural and the natural realm has changed. We have moved into a time like no other in the history of humanity, and God is doing some pretty spectacular things in the earth. Some are saying that Christ is soon to return. Although we don’t know the hour that he will appear, I believe we still have a while yet. One of the major reasons why I believe that we still have a little more time is because I trust in God’s promise of victory in the lives of His people, specifically the Woman of God. Sisters have been crying out to Him because, like Hannah in 1Samuel 1, we’re yearning for the things that He has promised in His Word. Some of you are dealing with broken marriages. Others are single and desire to be married. We need healing in our bodies and healing in our souls, and I want you to know that God has heard our cries. He has not abandoned us, and He will never abandon us. Our destiny is to walk in victory, not just in the hereafter. The Father wants you to walk in victory right here on this earth, and I pray that you will continue to read on to digest what God has in store if you continue to trust Him in faith.

A lot of us are finding ourselves with lives undone. The edges are unraveling quickly, and we feel as though we have to scramble every day to stay above water. This isn’t the life that we were meant to live. As a Christian, I’m sure you know and understand that discernment is crucial. Heavenly Father wants you to be able to discern immediately when something isn’t from Him and isn’t according to His Will and purpose for your life. As clearly as right is from wrong, you should know the difference between peace and chaos, wholeness and confusion, joy and destruction. You should be able to identify the differences so that when you are living beneath your privilege as a believer of Jesus Christ, you can quickly take steps through God’s Word to remove yourself from one condition, and enter into another that is profitable for the increase of your soul.

You cannot have faith in victory and fear of destruction at the same time. James 1:8 tells us that a double-minded person is unstable in all his or her ways. Having said this, the stress and pressures of today’s climate weighs heavy on many of us, however, we must not lose faith. And faith is going to require focus. In other words, we need to stay focused on God and His goodness, and not on what the devil is doing to try and take us down.

We’ve never been in a position of having to be restrained to the extent we are now. Even some that are spiritually mature are finding it difficult to remain in a state of connectedness and union to God through the Holy Spirit. But James 1:2 tells us that temptations comes in various forms, shapes, and sizes. It comes to suck us into the realm of disconnectedness, hostility, confusion, and chaos, so that we will not focus on God. We must be completely sold out to the reality that we can focus on Him during turmoil, and our faith will grow stronger because of it.

Understand that the enemy wants to convince us that God is not going to deliver on His promises, so we will give up and begin to doubt. A winning strategy is to ask the Father to give us a vision of what He has in store through His Holy Spirit. John 16:13 tells us, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” Our Heavenly Father wants us to be confident in the future He has planned for us. And so that we will increase in faith and not lose heart, God will give us a glimpse of what He has in store through His precious Holy Spirit. It’s a wonderful and amazing way that He prepares His people.

James 1:2 also tells us that we should count it as joy when troubles come our way. Not because we’re gluttons for punishment, but because it’s promotion time! James 1:3(NLT) says, “For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” Part of what we’re enduring right now is the battle to prove if we truly believe in God’s promises. Do you really believe that God is going to give you the desires of your heart? Because if you believe this, you must be ready for the battle, for our faith is going to be tested. To be obedient, you must stand strong upon God’s Word.

Joy is something we can’t fake. Joy is the fruit of our faith, because your highest self—your spiritual self knows the truth about what God has planned for you; the Holy Spirit has already communicated this truth to your spirit. Part of the battle is to get your mind and heart to trust what your spirit already knows. Joy is the result of this trust. When you are convinced of God’s goodness, you can stand through the test and endure, because you’ve seen the vision of what is to come.

Psalms 37:4 (KJV) says, “Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” To delight ourselves in the Lord is to consciously choose to think about Him and His goodness. James 4:8 says that if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. So, the war that is going on in our minds can only be won by our choice to put God first. We must focus our minds and hearts on His Word and choose to believe what God says rather than what the devil says.

You’ll not pass away in misery. Your life will not plummet into the depths of destruction. Have faith that VICTORY is your destination! You’re on that very road even as you read this. Because of Jesus Christ, God is going to turn things around. You will overcome because God has empowered you to do so. It’s not complicated. TRUST that in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, you are released into your destiny. Continue to pray for the vision of your future and shake loose the thing that has undermined your potential. Have faith in God! He is going to do for you exactly what He has promised in His Word.●

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Have Faith in the Victory God Has Promised” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times, for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2020. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! Sundie Morning Sistas is dedicated to spiritual inspiration and encouragement through the Word of God.

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